About Us
“Children are our most valuable resource.” — Herbert Hoover
Refugio Mazatlán is located in Mazatlán Sinaloa, México. It is a Free home for boys who are homeless, orphaned, neglected, abused, or who live in poverty.
Refugio Mazatlán focuses on adolescents of middle school and high school age. The goal is to provide support for boys who might not otherwise be able to attend school. Refugio is staffed by professionals, with teachers to assist with homework and psychologists to offer therapy as needed. We provide a safe, nurturing environment for the boys to live in, as well as all the tools that are required for the teens to prosper and eventually become independent adults. Career mentoring is available for them, capabilities are assessed, and opportunities are provided for the boys to attend university or learn the trade or marketable skill of their choosing. The boys will be able to remain at Refugio for the duration of their entire education.
This website provides information about our home, including our mission, vision and values. It has updates on the progress of the boys by way of newsletters and gives details on events that are planned for the organization.
Our Story
Un Futuro Mejor, Inc. (UFM) is a Colorado, USA based non- profit organization which was formed on August 6, 2014 and received 501(c)(3) status on September 8, 2015. Its initial focus is to help disadvantaged adolescent boys whose families cannot afford to support them in Mazatlán Mexico. This is done through Fundación Lansdown A.C. (FL AC) which was formed in Mazatlán on May 8, 2015 and received charitable status, the equivalent of the USA 501(c)(3), on January 4, 2017. FL AC provides the bulk of the funds to operate Refugio Mazatlán which is in an 800m2 two-story building located in Centro and caters to 20 to 25 boys in middle and high school.
The approach at Refugio Mazatlán is for the boys and their families to execute contracts in which they agree to adhere to the Refugio rules and values and commit to successfully completing their education and attaining a skill. The focus is on providing a good school education including supplementing it with additional classes at the home. Personal development plans are created for each of the boys that cater to a few career options including which schools they should attend. Refugio Mazatlán employs professional staff members, with teachers to assist with homework and psychologists to offer therapy as needed. They are dedicated to supporting the boys and have the qualifications, experience and the ability to ensure that the home’s goals are met, and the lives of the boys are improved.
UFM was founded by Guy, Nicola, Jason and Ryan Lansdown who are directors of the organization as well as FLAC. Guy and Nicola live in Mazatlán and spend much of their time overseeing the operation of the Refugio which is run with a staff of eight people. In addition, they spend time overseeing the affairs of UFM and FL AC including ensuring that the corporate Bylaws are complied with, funds are well invested, and FLAC is funded as required.
Gems of Mazatlán is a non-profit organization that was established in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and was recognized as a charitable organization on May 1, 2016. Together with the Gems of Mazatlan, FLAC started Mi Futuro in July 2019. It is a home for disadvantaged adolescents whose families cannot afford to support them and is for boys and girls in university or trade school. The home is funded by Gems of Mazatlán and Un Futuro Mejor.
Some Of Our Regular Supporters
Tres Islas
Chris & Kim Sullivan
Shirley Olinger & Matt McCormick
John Castro
Gale & Barry Mollerstuen
Alejandra Cabrera
Teresa Jamio
Cameron Staunch
Susan Murphy-Larronde
Frank Villaverde
Steven Samet
The Gems of Mazatlan
David & Theresa Dent
Lauren Villaverde
Ryan Lansdown
Robert Osborne
Hardy Holland & John Moody
Mark & Julie Foster
Linda Crossley
Stephen Davis
David Carlton
Steven Palms
David Baggs
Julie Mulvihill
Cynthia & Don Beaver
Laurie Hiller & John Arya
Alex Murdoch
Rosalva Rodriguez
Richard Potts & Lawrence Douglas
Jason Lansdown
Jeff & Mel Possehl
Caitlyn Possehl
Tracy Laughlin
Debbie Rodriguez
Linda Hannawalt
Eloisa Coppel