Current Needs
Top Of This Month's Wishlist:Food!!
As you can imagine, teenage boys eat a lot! We welcome all food items (see list below). We have a big freezer so we are grateful for meat, chicken and fish anytime, as well as items like milk, eggs, beans, oil and rice.
Refugio Mazatlán has ongoing needs. If you would like to make donations, below is a list of suggestions. We greatly appreciate your generosity.
We are grateful all food donations. The following items are always needed:
Meat – chicken, ground beef, pork, chorizo etc
Cheese, cream, butter, etc
Milk (entera, red box)
Beans - pinto
Fruit and vegetables
Canned tuna
Cleaning supplies
Laundry detergent (the powder kind)
Fabuloso, clorolex and other cleaning agents
Paper towel
Dish detergent
Hand Sanitizer
Jumbo trash bags
Personal items
Shampoo, soap and hair gel
Toilet paper
Ibuprofen, panadol, over-the-counter cold meds, bandaids and other first-aid items
Sheets, pillows, towels
Twin sheet sets
Shoes, especially athletic/tennis shoes, flip flops and crocs. Most of the boys wear a US size 8, 9 or 10.
New underwear - always needed!
New socks
School supplies​
Uniforms and school shoes
Scientific calculators
Notebooks, pens, pencils, dry erase markers, etc
Supplies for arts and crafts, glue
Coloured pencils
Computers - desktop or laptop
Geometry sets and compasses
Cubetas of white paint
Kitchen items like spoons, forks, pots, pans
Office supplies (printer paper, folders, etc),
Toner for printer
Recreational items
Musical instruments
Boogie boards and surf boards
Beach umbrellas
Beach toys (bats, balls etc)
Gym equipment (weights etc)
Basketballs, volleyballs, etc
Foosball table
Small soccer goals
Some of the boys need braces. We are looking for people to sponsor individual kids. The treatment (and cost) for each boy varies depending on his individual situation, but, at today's exchange rate, it is usually under USD600.00 per child for the entire process.
Sunday Lunch Program
Our staff works hard to keep our 24 always-hungry teenagers fed. In order to give them an occasional rest we offer volunteer opportunities for those who might be able to help. We are seeking one volunteer (or group of volunteers) per Sunday to buy the groceries and prepare a lunchtime meal. Meals can be simple, but nutritious. The boys eat their main meal at lunchtime - 1:30pm. Mexican food is always enjoyed, but they also love just about anything else you might want to prepare. We can give you ideas if you need them. Please contact us (nicole.refugiomazatlan@gmail.com) if you would like to sign up for one or some Sundays on the 2024/2025 calendar.
Cash donations are always welcome too
There are significant costs involved to cover staff salaries, utility bills, medical expenses, school fees, books, uniforms, sports, food, cleaning supplies, personal items etc. Everything helps! Make a cash donation
Employment Opportunities
Part-time work teaches our boys responsibility and money management. If you own a business in Mazatlán and can provide weekend or part-time jobs for our boys you will find them to be conscientious, hard-working and reliable. Let us know!
Would you like to buy birthday gifts for the boys? Birthdays are very important in the Mexican culture and we can provide a list of dates and gift suggestions. The same applies for Christmas.
Operating costs
We would be most grateful if anyone would be interested in covering some of the day-to-day expenses, such as:
*Monthly electricity, water, or propane bills
*Sponsor the cost of a therapist or other staff member
*Assistance with medical expenses
Sponsor a Boy
We are looking for sponsors to cover the cost of tuition, uniforms and other education-related expenses. Please contact us if you might be interested in this opportunity to change a young man's life. We offer various levels of sponsorship and contributions can be made monthly, annually or on a one-time basis. Sponsor a boy
Volunteers Needed
Eye doctor
Lunch program participants
English teachers
Homework helpers/tutors (need to speak fluent Spanish)
Painting volunteers. It is most helpful if you can provide the paint.
Perhaps you would like to sponsor and take the boys for a special outing? To the movies? Baseball game? Bowling? Water Park? Beach? Fishing? If you would like to simply cover the costs of the excursion let us know and we will make the arrangements.
Building Project Wish List​
New laundry area. We would one day like to move our laundry room onto the roof. There is a large amount of unused space there, and it would also free up the patio area for playing basketball etc.
New windows, especially in the dormitories. Our current windows are polycarbonate and require a lot of maintenance particularly after storms. We would like new glass sliding windows.
Contact Info:
Calle Rosales #1105. Col. Centro, Mazatlán
Spanish: 669 193 23 01 refugiomazatlandir@gmail.com
English: Mexico +52 669 146 41 73 or USA +1 (303)482-5698 nicole.refugiomazatlan@gmail.com
Refugio Mazatlán tiene necesidades continuas. Si desea hacer donaciones, a continuación hay una lista de sugerencias. Agradecemos profundamente su generosidad.
Agradecemos todas las donaciones de alimentos, siempre se necesita lo siguiente:
Carne - carne molida, cerdo, chorizo, etc.
Queso, crema, mantequilla, etc.
Frijoles - pinto
Frutas y vegetales
Artículos de Limpieza
Detergente de lavandería
Fabuloso, clorox y otros agentes de limpieza
Toallas de papel, papel higiénico
Detergente para platos
Artículos personales(Masculinos)
Pasta dental
Champú y gel para el cabello
Papel higiénico
Ibuprofeno, panadol, medicinas para el resfriado sin receta médica, curitas y otros artículos de primeros auxilios
Sábanas y fundas
Zapatos, especialmente deportivos / zapatos tenis, chanclas y crocs. Casi todos los chicos son talla 7 u 8 - un par son talla 9.
Ropa interior (sólo nueva) - siempre necesario!
Materiales Escolares
Uniformes y zapatos escolares
Portátiles, bolígrafos, lápices, marcadores de borrado en seco, etc.
Suministros para artes y oficios
Computadoras - escritorio o portátil
Conjuntos de geometría y brújulas
Cubetas de pintura blanca
Paneles solares - necesitamos 10 más en este momento
Artículos de cocina como cucharas, tenedores, ollas, sartenes
Material de oficina (papel, carpetas, etc.)
Tóner para impresora
Mesas de computadora
Articulos recreativos
Instrumentos musicales
Boogie tablas y tablas de surf
Cubierta grande para la playa (no demasiado pesada)
Sombrillas de playa
Juguetes de playa (murciélagos, pelotas, etc.)
Equipo de gimnasio (pequeño y grande)
Baloncesto, voleibol, etc
Mesa de futbol
Pequeños objetivos de fútbol
Braquets dentales
Algunos de los chicos necesitan aparatos dentales. Estamos buscando gente para patrocinar a jovenes individualmente. El costo es de aproximadamente $ 11,000 pesos pora cada joven.
Las donaciones en efectivo siempre son bienvendias
Hay costos significativos para cubrir los salarios del personal, facturas de servicios públicos, gastos médicos, cuotas escolares, libros, uniformes, deportes, alimentos, suministros de limpieza, artículos personales, etc.
Patrocinio Escolar
Estamos buscando patrocinadores para cubrir el costo de la matrícula, uniformes y otros gastos relacionados con la educación. Póngase en contacto con nosotros si usted puede estar interesado en esta oportunidad de cambiar la vida de un joven.
Voluntarios necesarios:
Participantes del programa de almuerzo
Profesores de ingles
Ayudantes/tutores de tareas (es necesario hablar español con fluidez)
Voluntarios de pintura. Es más útil si puede proporcionar la pintura.